Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment

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164 StandardI/O Library Chapter 5

5.12 Implementation Details

As we’ve mentioned, under the UNIX System, the standardI/O library ends up calling
the I/O routines that we described in Chapter 3. Each standardI/O stream has an
associated file descriptor,and we can obtain the descriptor for a stream by calling
Note thatfilenois not part of the ISO C standard, but rather an extension supported by

#include <stdio.h>
int fileno(FILE *fp);
Returns: the file descriptor associated with the stream
We need this function if we want to call theduporfcntlfunctions, for example.
To look at the implementation of the standardI/O library on your system, start
with the header<stdio.h>.This will show how theFILEobject is defined, the
definitions of the per-stream flags, and any standardI/O routines, such asgetc,that
aredefined as macros. Section 8.5 of Kernighan and Ritchie[ 1988 ] has a sample
implementation that shows the flavor of many implementations on UNIX systems.
Chapter 12 of Plauger[ 1992 ]provides the complete source code for an implementation
of the standardI/O library.The implementation of the GNU standardI/O library is
also publicly available.


The program in Figure5.11prints the buffering for the three standardstreams and for a
stream that is associated with a regular file.
#include "apue.h"
void pr_stdio(const char *, FILE *);
int is_unbuffered(FILE *);
int is_linebuffered(FILE *);
int buffer_size(FILE *);
FILE *fp;

fputs("enter any character\n", stdout);
if (getchar() == EOF)
err_sys("getchar error");
fputs("one line to standard error\n", stderr);
pr_stdio("stdin", stdin);
pr_stdio("stdout", stdout);
pr_stdio("stderr", stderr);
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