Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment

(lily) #1

240 Process Control Chapter 8

#include "apue.h"
#include <sys/wait.h>
pr_exit(int status)
if (WIFEXITED(status))
printf("normal termination, exit status = %d\n",
else if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
printf("abnormal termination, signal number = %d%s\n",
WCOREDUMP(status)? " (core file generated)" : "");
else if (WIFSTOPPED(status))
printf("child stopped, signal number = %d\n",

Figure 8.5 Print a description of theexitstatus

FreeBSD 8.0, Linux 3.2.0, Mac OS X 10.6.8, and Solaris 10 all support theWCOREDUMPmacro.
However,some platforms hide its definition if the_POSIX_C_SOURCEconstant is defined
(recall Section 2.7).

The program shown in Figure8.6 calls thepr_exitfunction, demonstrating the
various values for the termination status. If we run the program in Figure8.6, we get
normal termination, exit status = 7
abnormal termination, signal number = 6 (core file generated)
abnormal termination, signal number = 8 (core file generated)
For now, we print the signal number fromWTERMSIG.Wecan look at the<signal.h>
header to verify thatSIGABRThas a value of 6 and thatSIGFPEhas a value of 8.We’ll
see a portable way to map a signal number to a descriptive name in Section 10.22.

As we mentioned, if we have morethan one child,waitreturns on termination of
any of the children. But what if we want to wait for a specific process to terminate
(assuming we know which process ID we want to wait for)? In older versions of the
UNIX System, we would have to callwaitand comparethe returned process ID with
the one we’reinterested in. If the terminated process wasn’t the one we wanted, we
would have to save the process ID and termination status and callwaitagain. We
would need to continue doing this until the desired process terminated. The next time
we wanted to wait for a specific process, we would go through the list of already
terminated processes to see whether we had already waited for it, and if not, callwait
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