Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment

(lily) #1

260 Process Control Chapter 8

seteuidto set its effective user ID to our user ID. This prevents any accidental
misuse of privilege. At this point, we have
real user ID = our user ID (unchanged)
effective user ID = our user ID
saved set-user-ID =root(unchanged)

  1. The daemon starts out running withrootprivileges. Torun commands on our
    behalf, the daemon callsforkand the child callssetuidto change its user ID
    to our user ID. Because the child is running withrootprivileges, this changes
    all of the IDs.We have
    real user ID = our user ID
    effective user ID = our user ID
    saved set-user-ID = our user ID
    Now the daemon can safely execute commands on our behalf, because it can
    access only the files to which we normally have access. We have no additional
    By using the saved set-user-ID in this fashion, we can use the extra privileges granted to
    us by the set-user-ID of the program file only when we need elevated privileges. Any
    other time, however,the process runs with our normal permissions. If we weren’t able
    to switch back to the saved set-user-ID at the end, we might be tempted to retain the
    extra permissions the whole time we wererunning (which is asking for trouble).

8.12 Interpreter Files

All contemporary UNIX systems support interpreter files. These files aretext files that
begin with a line of the form
#!pathname [ optional-argument ]
The space between the exclamation point and thepathnameis optional. The most
common of these interpreter files begin with the line
Thepathname is normally an absolute pathname, since no special operations are
performed on it (i.e.,PATHis not used). The recognition of these files is done within the
kernel as part of processing theexecsystem call. The actual file that gets executed by
the kernel is not the interpreter file, but rather the file specified by thepathnameon the
first line of the interpreter file. Be sure to differentiate between the interpreter file—a
text file that begins with#!—and the interpreter,which is specified by thepathnameon
the first line of the interpreter file.
Be awarethat systems place a size limit on the first line of an interpreter file. This
limit includes the#!,thepathname,the optional argument, the terminating newline, and
any spaces.
On FreeBSD 8.0, this limit is 4,097 bytes. On Linux 3.2.0, the limit is 128 bytes. Mac OS X
10.6.8 supports a limit of 513 bytes, whereas Solaris 10 places the limit at 1,024 bytes.
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