Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment

(lily) #1

Section 8.15 User Identification 275

Section 8.6. The only information in this byte is a core-flag bit (usually the high-order
bit) and the signal number (usually the seven low-order bits), if the process terminated
abnormally.Ifthe process terminated normally, we are not able to obtain theexit
status from the accounting file. For the first child, this value is 128+6. The 128 is the
coreflag bit, and 6 happens to be the value on this system forSIGABRT,which is
generated by the call toabort.The value 9 for the fourth child corresponds to the
value ofSIGKILL.Wecan’t tell from the accounting data that the parent’s argument to
exitwas 2 and that the thirdchild’s argument toexitwas 0.
The size of the file/etc/passwdthat theddprocess copies in the second child is
777 bytes. The number of characters of I/O is just over twice this value. It is twice the
value, as 777 bytes areread in, then 777 bytes arewritten out. Even though the output
goes to the null device, the bytes arestill accounted for.The 31 additional bytes come
from theddcommand reporting the summary of bytes read and written, which it prints
Theac_flagvalues areare what we would expect. TheFflag is set for all the
child processes except the second child, which does theexecl.TheFflag is not set for
the parent, because the interactive shell that executed the parent did aforkand then an
execof thea.outfile. The first child process callsabort,which generates aSIGABRT
signal to generate the coredump. Note that neither theXflag nor theDflag is on, as
they arenot supported on Solaris; the information they represent can be derived from
theac_stat field. The fourth child also terminates because of a signal, but the
SIGKILLsignal does not generate a coredump; it just terminates the process.
As a final note, the first child has a 0 count for the number of characters of I/O, yet
this process generated acorefile. It appears that the I/O required to write thecore
file is not charged to the process.

8.15 User Identification

Any process can find out its real and effective user ID and group ID. Sometimes,
however, we want to find out the login name of the user who’s running the program.
We could callgetpwuid(getuid()),but what if a single user has multiple login
names, each with the same user ID? (A person might have multiple entries in the
passwordfile with the same user ID to have a different login shell for each entry.) The
system normally keeps track of the name we log in under (Section 6.8), and the
getloginfunction provides a way to fetch that login name.

#include <unistd.h>

char *getlogin(void);

Returns: pointer to string giving login name if OK,NULLon error

This function can fail if the process is not attached to a terminal that a user logged in to.
We normally call these processesdaemons.Wediscuss them in Chapter 13.
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