Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment

(lily) #1

294 Process Relationships Chapter 9

#include <unistd.h>
pid_t getpgid(pid_tpid);
Returns: process group ID if OK,−1 on error

Ifpidis 0, the process group ID of the calling process is returned. Thus

is equivalent to

Each process group can have a process group leader.The leader is identified by its
process group ID being equal to its process ID.
It is possible for a process group leader to create a process group, create processes in
the group, and then terminate. The process group still exists, as long as at least one
process is in the group, regardless of whether the group leader terminates. This is
called the process group lifetime—the period of time that begins when the group is
created and ends when the last remaining process leaves the group. The last remaining
process in the process group can either terminate or enter some other process group.
Aprocess joins an existing process group or creates a new process group by calling
setpgid.(In the next section, we’ll see thatsetsidalso creates a new process group.)

#include <unistd.h>
int setpgid(pid_tpid,pid_tpgid);
Returns: 0 if OK,−1 on error

This function sets the process group ID topgidin the process whose process ID equals
pid.Ifthe two arguments areequal, the process specified bypidbecomes a process
group leader.Ifpidis 0, the process ID of the caller is used. Also, ifpgidis 0, the process
ID specified bypidis used as the process group ID.
Aprocess can set the process group ID of only itself or any of its children.
Furthermore, it can’t change the process group ID of one of its children after that child
has called one of theexecfunctions.
In most job-control shells, this function is called after aforkto have the parent set
the process group ID of the child, and to have the child set its own process group ID.
One of these calls is redundant, but by doing both, we areguaranteed that the child is
placed into its own process group beforeeither process assumes that this has happened.
If we didn’t do this, we would have a race condition, since the child’s process group
membership would depend on which process executes first.
When we discuss signals, we’ll see how we can send a signal to either a single
process (identified by its process ID) or a process group (identified by its process group
ID). Similarly,thewaitpidfunction from Section 8.6 lets us wait for either a single
process or one process from a specified process group.
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