Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment

(lily) #1

338 Signals Chapter 10

Also understand that the test for process existence is not atomic. By the time that
killreturns the answer to the caller,the process in question might have exited, so the
answer is of limited value.
If the call tokillcauses the signal to be generated for the calling process and if the
signal is not blocked, eithersignoor some other pending, unblocked signal is delivered
to the process beforekillreturns. (Additional conditions occur with threads; see
Section 12.8 for moreinformation.)

10.10 alarmandpause Functions

Thealarmfunction allows us to set a timer that will expire at a specified time in the
future. When the timer expires, theSIGALRMsignal is generated. If we ignore or don’t
catch this signal, its default action is to terminate the process.

#include <unistd.h>
unsigned int alarm(unsigned intseconds);
Returns: 0 or number of seconds until previously set alarm

Thesecondsvalue is the number of clock seconds in the futurewhen the signal should
be generated. When that time occurs, the signal is generated by the kernel, although
additional time could elapse beforethe process gets control to handle the signal,
because of processor scheduling delays.

Earlier UNIX System implementations warned that the signal could also be sent up to 1 second
early.POSIX.1 does not allow this behavior.

There is only one of these alarm clocks per process. If, when we callalarm,a
previously registered alarm clock for the process has not yet expired, the number of
seconds left for that alarm clock is returned as the value of this function. That
previously registered alarm clock is replaced by the new value.
If a previously registered alarm clock for the process has not yet expired and if the
secondsvalue is 0, the previous alarm clock is canceled. The number of seconds left for
that previous alarm clock is still returned as the value of the function.
Although the default action forSIGALRMis to terminate the process, most processes
that use an alarm clock catch this signal. If the process then wants to terminate, it can
perform whatever cleanup is required beforeterminating. If we intend to catch
SIGALRM, we need to be careful to install its signal handler beforecallingalarm.Ifwe
callalarmfirst and aresentSIGALRMbeforewecan install the signal handler,our
process will terminate.
Thepausefunction suspends the calling process until a signal is caught.

#include <unistd.h>
int pause(void);
Returns:−1witherrnoset toEINTR
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