408 Threads Chapter 11
#include "apue.h"
#include <pthread.h>
int err;
struct timespec tout;
struct tm *tmp;
char buf[64];
pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
printf("mutex is locked\n");
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tout);
tmp = localtime(&tout.tv_sec);
strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%r", tmp);
printf("current time is %s\n", buf);
tout.tv_sec += 10; /* 10 seconds from now */
/* caution: this could lead to deadlock */
err = pthread_mutex_timedlock(&lock, &tout);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tout);
tmp = localtime(&tout.tv_sec);
strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%r", tmp);
printf("the time is now %s\n", buf);
if (err == 0)
printf("mutex locked again!\n");
printf("can’t lock mutex again: %s\n", strerror(err));
Figure 11.13 Usingpthread_mutex_timedlock
Here is the output from the program in Figure11.13.
mutex is locked
current time is 11:41:58 AM
the time is now 11:42:08 AM
can’t lock mutex again: Connection timed out
This program deliberately locks a mutex it already owns to demonstrate how
pthread_mutex_timedlockworks. This strategy is not recommended in practice,
because it can lead to deadlock.
Note that the time blocked can vary for several reasons: the start time could have
been in the middle of a second, the resolution of the system’s clock might not be fine
enough to support the resolution of our timeout, or scheduling delays could prolong the
amount of time until the program continues execution.