Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment

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Section 2.5 Limits 41

Each of the 25 invariant minimum values in Figure2.8 has an associated
implementation value whose name is formed by removing the_POSIX_prefix from the
name in Figure2.8. The names without the leading_POSIX_wereintended to be the
actual values that a given implementation supports. (These 25 implementation values
arefromitems 1, 4, 5, and 7 from our list earlier in this section: 2 of the runtime
increasable values, 15 of the runtime invariant values, and 7 of the pathname variable
values, along withSSIZE_MAXfrom the numeric values.) The problem is that not all of
the 25 implementation values areguaranteed to be defined in the<limits.h>header.
For example, a particular value may not be included in the header if its actual value
for a given process depends on the amount of memory on the system. If the values are
not defined in the header, we can’t use them as array bounds at compile time. To
determine the actual implementation value at runtime, POSIX.1 decided to provide
three functions for us to call —sysconf,pathconf,andfpathconf.Thereisstill a
problem, however,because some of the values aredefined by POSIX.1 as being possibly
‘‘indeterminate’’(logically infinite). This means that the value has no practical upper
bound. On Solaris, for example, the number of functions you can register withatexit
to be run when a process ends is limited only by the amount of memory on the system.
ThusATEXIT_MAXis considered indeterminate on Solaris. We’ll return to this problem
of indeterminate runtime limits in Section 2.5.5.

2.5.3 XSI Limits

The XSI option also defines constants representing implementation limits. They

  1. Minimum values: the five constants in Figure2.10

  2. Runtime invariant values, possibly indeterminate:IOV_MAXandPAGE_SIZE

The minimum values arelisted in Figure2.10. The last two illustrate the situation in
which the POSIX.1 minimums weretoo small—presumably to allow for embedded
POSIX.1 implementations—sosymbols with larger minimum values wereadded for
XSI-conforming systems.

Name Description acceptable valueTypical value

NL_LANGMAX maximum number of bytes inLANG 14 14
environment variable
NZERO default process priority 20 20
_XOPEN_IOV_MAX maximum number ofiovecstructures that 16 16
can be used withreadvorwritev
_XOPEN_NAME_MAXnumber of bytes in a filename 255 255
_XOPEN_PATH_MAXnumber of bytes in a pathname 1,024 1,024

Figure 2.10 XSI minimum values from<limits.h>
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