Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment

(lily) #1

Section 2.5 Limits 43

Name of limit Description nameargument
ARG_MAX maximum length, in bytes, of arguments to theexec_SC_ARG_MAX
ATEXIT_MAX maximum number of functions that can be _SC_ATEXIT_MAX
registered with theatexitfunction
CHILD_MAX maximum number of processes per real user ID _SC_CHILD_MAX
clock ticks/second number of clock ticks per second _SC_CLK_TCK
COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX maximum number of weights that can be assigned _SC_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX
to an entry of theLC_COLLATEorder keyword
in the locale definition file
DELAYTIMER_MAX maximum number of timer expiration overruns _SC_DELAYTIMER_MAX
HOST_NAME_MAX maximum length of a host name as returned by _SC_HOST_NAME_MAX
IOV_MAX maximum number ofiovecstructures that can be _SC_IOV_MAX
used withreadvorwritev
LINE_MAX maximum length of a utility’s input line _SC_LINE_MAX
LOGIN_NAME_MAX maximum length of a login name _SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX
NGROUPS_MAX maximum number of simultaneous supplementary _SC_NGROUPS_MAX
process group IDs per process
OPEN_MAX one morethan the maximum value assigned to a _SC_OPEN_MAX
newly created file descriptor
PAGESIZE system memory page size, in bytes _SC_PAGESIZE
PAGE_SIZE system memory page size, in bytes _SC_PAGE_SIZE
RE_DUP_MAX number of repeated occurrences of a basic regular _SC_RE_DUP_MAX
expression permitted by theregexecand
regcompfunctions when using the interval
RTSIG_MAX maximum number of real-time signals reserved for _SC_RTSIG_MAX
application use
SEM_NSEMS_MAX maximum number of semaphores a process can use _SC_SEM_NSEMS_MAX
at one time
SEM_VALUE_MAX maximum value of a semaphore _SC_SEM_VALUE_MAX
SIGQUEUE_MAX maximum number of signals that can be queued for _SC_SIGQUEUE_MAX
STREAM_MAX maximum number of standardI/O streams per _SC_STREAM_MAX
process at any given time; if defined, it must
have the same value asFOPEN_MAX
SYMLOOP_MAX number of symbolic links that can be traversed _SC_SYMLOOP_MAX
during pathname resolution
TIMER_MAX maximum number of timers per process _SC_TIMER_MAX
TTY_NAME_MAX length of a terminal device name, including the _SC_TTY_NAME_MAX
terminating null
TZNAME_MAX maximum number of bytes for a time zone name _SC_TZNAME_MAX

Figure 2.11 Limits andnamearguments tosysconf

  1. Thereferenced file for_PC_PATH_MAXmust be a directory.The value returned
    is the maximum length of a relative pathname when the specified directory is
    the working directory.(Unfortunately,this isn’t the real maximum length of an
    absolute pathname, which is what we want to know.We’ll return to this
    problem in Section 2.5.5.)

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