Section 20.4 Implementation Overview 747
Withdb_store,only one recordfor each key is allowed. Some database systems
allow a key to have multiple records and then provide a way to access all the records
associated with a given key.Additionally, we have only a single index file, meaning
that each data recordcan have only a single key (we don’t support secondary keys).
Some database systems allow each record to have multiple keys and often use one index
file per key.Each time a new recordisinserted or deleted, all index files must be
updated accordingly.(An example of a file with multiple indexes is an employee file.
We could have one index whose key is the employee ID and another whose key is the
employee’s Social Security number.Having an index whose key is the employee name
could be a problem, as names arenot always unique.)
Figure20.2 shows a general picture of the database implementation.
index file: freeptr chainptr chainptr ... chainptr \n
len key sep
off sep
len \n
data file: data \n
hash table
index records
one index record
idx len
one data record
dat len
offset of first index
record on freelist
offset of first index
record on this hash chain
offset of next index
record on this hash chain
Figure 20.2 Arrangement of index file and data file
The index file consists of three portions: the free-list pointer,the hash table, and the
index records. In Figure20.2, all the fields calledptraresimply file offsets stored as an
ASCII number.