Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment

(lily) #1

Section 2.9 Differences Between Standards 59

Type Description
clock_t counter of clock ticks (process time) (Section 1.10)
comp_t compressed clock ticks (not defined by POSIX.1; see Section 8.14)
dev_t device numbers (major and minor) (Section 4.24)
fd_set file descriptor sets (Section 14.4.1)
fpos_t file position (Section 5.10)
gid_t numeric group IDs
ino_t i-node numbers (Section 4.14)
mode_t file type, file creation mode (Section 4.5)
nlink_t link counts for directory entries (Section 4.14)
off_t file sizes and offsets (signed) (lseek,Section 3.6)
pid_t process IDs and process group IDs (signed) (Sections 8.2 and 9.4)
pthread_t thread IDs (Section 11.3)
ptrdiff_t result of subtracting two pointers (signed)
rlim_t resource limits (Section 7.11)
sig_atomic_t data type that can be accessed atomically (Section 10.15)
sigset_t signal set (Section 10.11)
size_t sizes of objects (such as strings) (unsigned) (Section 3.7)
ssize_t functions that return a count of bytes (signed) (read,write,Section 3.7)
time_t counter of seconds of calendar time (Section 1.10)
uid_t numeric user IDs
wchar_t can represent all distinct character codes

Figure 2.21 Some common primitive system data types

convert this value to seconds, we divide it byCLOCKS_PER_SEC,which is defined in
the<time.h>header.POSIX.1 defines the functiontimesthat returns both the CPU
time (for the caller and all its terminated children) and the clock time. All these time
values areclock_tvalues. Thesysconffunction is used to obtain the number of
clock ticks per second for use with the return values from thetimesfunction. What we
have is the same data type (clock_t)used to hold measurements of time defined with
different units by ISO C and POSIX.1. The difference can be seen in Solaris, where
clockreturns microseconds (henceCLOCKS_PER_SECis 1 million), whereassysconf
returns the value 100 for clock ticks per second. Thus we must take carewhen using
variables of typeclock_tso that we don’t mix variables with different units.
Another area of potential conflict is when the ISO C standardspecifies a function,
but doesn’t specify it as strongly as POSIX.1 does. This is the case for functions that
requireadifferent implementation in a POSIX environment (with multiple processes)
than in an ISO C environment (wherevery little can be assumed about the host
operating system). Nevertheless, POSIX-compliant systems implement the ISO C
function for compatibility.Thesignalfunction is an example. If we unknowingly use
thesignalfunction provided by Solaris (hoping to write portable code that can be run
in ISO C environments and under older UNIX systems), it will provide semantics
different from the POSIX.1sigactionfunction. We’ll have more to say about the
signalfunction in Chapter 10.
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