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47194 - 7 Watt Star In-
candescent Light Bulb
2700K Clear E12 (Can-
delabra) Base, 120 Volt,
7 point star, 2^3 ⁄ 4 " ht.
47180 - 15W
candelabra base
E12 flame tip sil-
icone bulb, 130V,
bulb height 3",
overall height 4
47182 - 3W can-
delabra base E12
flame tip cham-
pagne color sili-
cone T4 bulb,
130V, bulb height
1 1/2", overall
height 3 1/4"
47181 - 3W
candelabra base
E12 flame tip
silicone T4
bulb, 130V,
bulb height 1
1/2", overall
height 3 1/4"
47197 - T6, Can-
delabra base, 3" ht.
Tubular filament
bulb, 2000 hrs.,
120V-15W, clear
47192 - Cande-
labra base E12 tu-
bular bulb,
15W-120V T7
bulb, 2^1 ⁄ 4 ht.
47006i- Cande-
labra base,
Flame Tip, Sili-
cone Decorative
Bulb, 6W
Clear, 130V.
Bulb ht. 1^1 ⁄ 2 ",
Overall ht. 4^1 ⁄ 4 "
47008i - C7,
Night Lite bulbs
w/3" silicone tip.
130V, 7.5W, E12,
3000 hr. Clear.
Bulb ht. 2^1 ⁄ 8 ",
Overall ht. 5"
47007i - CA-5-
15mm, Candelabra
base, Flicker Flame
bulbs with 3" sili-
cone tip. 3W, E12,
3000 hr. Clear,
130V Bulb ht. 2^3 ⁄ 4 ",
Overall ht. 4^1 ⁄ 2 "
Special Decorative Light Bulbs
47006 - Can-
delabra base,
Flame Tip, Sil-
icone Decora-
tive Bulb, 6W
Clear, 130V.
Bulb ht. 1^1 ⁄ 2 ",
Overall ht. 4^1 ⁄ 4 "
47101 - Cande-
Night Lite bulb
with cham-
pagne-color sil-
icone tip, 4"
overall ht., 4W,
3,000 hrs. 130V
Mediumbase, small sili-
cone tipped bulb, 4^1 ⁄ 2 "
ht., 7^1 ⁄ 2 W, 3,000 hrs.
130V. Your choice of
47102 -Champagne tip
47103 - Clear tip
47071 - Medium base clear
(E26), Flicker Flame decorative
bulb, CA-10, 32mm bulb.
1,500 hrs., 3 watt
Candelabra base (E12), Flicker Flame dec-
orative bulbs, rated 3 watts, 1,500 hrs.
47193 - Candelabra base (E12), torpedo tip
(B-10), clear flicker flame bulb (pictured)
47072 - Candelabra
base, Flame Tip, Clear Flicker Flame
CA-5 - 15 mm bulb, 3 watt.
47070 - Candelabra
base, Flame Tip, Clear Flicker Flame
CA-8 - 32 mm bulb, 3 watt.