The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1
Notes to Pages 64-76
ectly derive their fourfold schema from Buddhist texts: see 'On the
Quadruple Division of the Yogasastra, the Caturvyiihatva of the
Cikitsasastra and the "Four Noble Truths" of the Buddha', Indo-
logica Taurinensia, I2 (I984), 29I-337·
9· Harvey Aronson, 'Equanimity (Upekkha) in Theravaditl Buddhism',
in A. K. Narain (ed.), Studies in Pali and Buddhism: A Memorial
Volume in Honor of Bhikkhu Jagdish Kashyap (Delhi, I979), I-18,
and Love and Sympathy in Theraviida Buddhism (Delhi, I98o ), 3-I8.

ro. Collins Dictionary of the English Language (Glasgow, I984).

II. Cf. Wilfred Cantwell Smith's The Meaning and End of Religion

(New York, 1963), which attempts in part to trace the evolution of
the contemporary concept of 'religion', and Ninian Smart's The

Phenomenon of Religion (Oxford, I978), which attempts to define

religion as consisting in six basic dimensions.
I2. Conze is referring to Christmas Humphreys, Buddhism (Harmond-
sworth, I962), 7I-6.
I3. Majjhima Nikaya i. 426-437.
I4. Ibid., 429.

I5. Vetter's The Ideas and Meditative Practices of Early Buddhism is

an example of a recent work that takes this view.
I6. Sarp.yutta Nikaya v. 437-8.
I7. Steven Collins, Selfless Persons (Cambridge, I982), 13I-8. For an ana-
lyis of contemporary scholarly interpretations of the 'unanswered

questions' see Richard Hayes, 'Nagarjuna's Appeal', Journal of

Indian Philosophy, 22 (I994), 299-378 (356-61).
r8. Majjhima Nikaya i. 430.

  1. Ibid., I69.

  2. John R. Carter, On Understanding Buddhists (Albany, NY, I993),

  3. Atthasalini 24.

  4. e.g. Digha Nikaya ii. 58; defined at 375; Visuddhimagga
    xvii. 239-46.

  5. Majjhima Nikaya i. 134-5; see Edward Conze, Buddhist Wisdom
    Books (London, 1958), 34-5, for the parable of the raft in the
    Mahayana Vajracchedikii Siitra ..

  6. Dhammapada-atthakatha ii. 163; 433·

  7. Ibid..

  8. For a recent discussion see K. R. Norman, 'Mistaken ideas about
    Nibbiina', The Buddhist Forum,3 (I994), 2II-25; IfollowNorman's
    interpretation of upadhise$alupiidisesa.

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