The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1

Notes to Pages 87-9I

7· Vinaya i. 79· Gombrich, Theraviida Buddhism, 104.

8. Vinaya i. 82-4; cf. Sao Htun Hmat Win, The Initiation of Novice-

hood and the Ordination of Monkhood in the Burmese Buddhist

Culture (Rangoon, 1986); Frangois Bizot, Les traditions de la
pabbajjii en Asie du Sud-Est (Gottingen, 1988).
9· Vinaya i. 78.
IO. See e.g. Tambiah, Buddhism and the Spirit Cults in North-East

Thailand (Cambridge, 1970), 97-ns; Spiro, Buddhism and Society;

Richard Gombrich, Buddhist Precept and Practice (Delhi, 1991);
Karl Ludvig Reichelt, Truth and Tradition in Chinese Buddhism

(Shanghai, 1934), 223-41; Holmes Welch, The Practice of Chinese

Buddhism I900-I950 (Cambridge, Mass., 1967), 247-301; Christoph

von Ftirer-Haimendorf, The Sherpas of Nepal (London, 1964);

Giuseppe Tucci, The Religions of Tibet (London, I98o ).

I I. Geoffrey Samuel, Civilized Shamans; Buddhism in Tibetan Societ-
ies (Washington, DC, I993), 206; Kenneth Ch'en, Buddhism in China
(Princeton, 1964), 246-7; in more recent times higher ordination has

been the norm in China, see Welch, The Practice of Chinese Buddhism,


I2. Welch, The Practice of Chinese Buddhism, 105, 247, 275, 294.

I3. This piiriijika is often quoted by modern commentators as to do with
laying false claim to 'miraculous' powers, but the Vinaya under-
stands the term uttari-manussa-dhamma as applying to any spiritual
attainment; see Gethin, The Buddhist Path to Awakening; 97-101.
I4. Vinaya ii. 253-6.

  1. Richard Gombrich, Buddhist Studies Review, I2 (I995), 95-6.
    I6. Majjhima Nikaya iii. 65. _
    17· Schopen, Bones, Stones, and Buddhist Monks, 248-50.
    I8. Tessa Bartholomeusz, Women under the Bo Tree (Cambridge,
    I994); L. W. Bloss, 'The Female Renunciants of Sri Lanka', Journal

of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, I o (I 978), 7-3 I;

H. Kawanami, 'The Religious Standing of Burmese Buddhist Nuns

(thila shin)', Journal of the International Association of Buddhist

Studies, I3 ( 1990 ), 17-39; P. Richman, 'Gender and Persuasion: The
Portrayal of Beauty, Anguish, and Nurturance in an Account of a
Tamil Nun', in Jose Cabez6n ( ed. ), Buddhism, Sexuality, and Gender

(Albany, NY, I992), 1n-36; Kathryn Tsai (trans.), The Lives of the

Nuns: Biographies of Chinese Buddhist Nuns from the Fourth to Sixth

Centuries: A Translation of the Pi-ch'iu-ni chuan compiled by Shih

Pao-ch'ang (Honolulu, I994); Hanna Havnevik, Tibetan Buddhist
Nuns: History, Culiural Norms and Social Reality (Oslo, 1989).
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