The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1

294 Notes to Pages 20I-I7

45· L. S. Cousins, 'Samatha-Yana and Vipassana-Yana', in G. Dham-

mapala et al. (eds.), Buddhist Studies in Honour of Hammalava

Saddhiitissa (Nugegoda, I984), 56-68. For a clear statement from
KamalasYla's Bhavanakrama I see Beyer, The Buddhist Experience,

Chapter 8. The Abhidharma

I. Atthasalini I2-I?; E. W. Burlingame (trans.), Buddhist Legends

Translated from the Original Pali Text of the Dhammapada Com-

mentary, 3 vols. (London, I969), iii. 35-6.

  1. On the Sarvastivadin legend of the preaching of the Abhidharma,

see Lamotte, History of Indian Buddhism, I86.

3· An asterisk before a title indicates a reconstructed Sanskrit or Pali
title from an ancient Chinese translation in the case of texts whose
Sanskrit or Pali original is lost.

4· Erich Frauwallner, On the Date of the Buddhist Master of the Law,

Vasubandhu (Rome, I95I); Padmanabh S. Jaini, 'On the Theory of

Two Vasubandhus', Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African

Studies, 22 (I958), 48-53.
5· Warder, Indian Buddhism, 309.

  1. For the Yogacarin list see Walpola Rahula (trans.), Le Compen-
    dium de la super-doctrine (philosophie) (Abhidharmasamuccaya)
    d'Asmiga, (Paris, I97I), 6-I8; Louis de La Vallee Poussin (trans.),
    Vijfiaptimiitratiisiddhi: Le Siddhi de Hiuan-Tsang (Paris, I928-9),

i. 296-395; Junjiro Takakusu, The Essentials of Indian Philosophy

(Bombay, I956), 96.
7· Atthasalini 64.

  1. Milindapafiha 87; Atthasalini I42.
    9· Sarpyutta Nikaya ii. 95.
    IO. 36-7.
    I I. Atthasalini 279.

I2. Shwe Zan Aung (trans.), Compendium of Philosophy, (London, I9IO ),

30-2; Lama Anagarika Govinda, The Psychological Attitude of
Early Buddhist Philosophy (London, I969), I34-42.
I3. Rupert Gethin, 'Bhavmiga and Rebirth according to the Abhid-
hamma', The Buddhist Forum, 3 (I994), II-35·
I4. Gombrich, Buddhist Precept and Practice (New Delhi, I99I), 256-
7, 27I-2.
I5. Kathavatthu 36I-6; Abhidharmakosa iii. IO-I9; Alex Wayman,
'The Intermediate-State Dispute in Buddhism' in L. S. Cousins

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