The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1
Notes to Pages 228-33

  1. For the Theravada account of the Bodhisattva path see Bhikkhu
    Bodhi (trans.), 'A Treatise on the Paramis', in The Discourse on

the All-Embracing Net of Views, 2S4-330 (= Cp-a 276-332);

H. Saddhatissa (trans.), The Birth Stories of the Ten Bod.hisattas

(London, I97S).
7· Louis de La Vallee Poussin (trans.), Vijnaptimatratasiddhi: La
Siddhi de Hiuan-Tsang, 2 vols. (Paris, I928-9), 676-7, 72I-S.

  1. Also Srimaladevi 78-94; and Latikavatara SUtra 63; cf. Herbert

V. Guenther (trans.), The Jewel Ornament of Liberation (London,

I5no), 4-6.
9· On the notion of 'skill in means' see Michael Pye, Skilful Means
(London, 1978); Wi1liams, Mahayana Buddhism, I43-50.
IO. Oral teachings from His Holiness Sakya Trinzin on the Zhen pa bzhi
brat or 'Leaving behind the four desires', Tibet House, New Delhi,
II-IS Jan. 1982. (Cf. Williams, Mahayana Buddhism, I99·)
II. Lodro, Walking through Walls, 367-75.

  1. Kamalasila's Bhavanakrama I; see Beyer, The Buddhist Experience,

I3. Guenther, Jewel Ornament of Liberation, II2, 232-s6.

I4. Conze, Large Satra on Perfect Wisdom, I63-78; Guenther, Jewel

Ornament of Liberation, 239-56.

  1. Dasabhfimikasiitra (Rahder ed., Leuven 1926), 9I; Cleary, The
    Flower Ornament Scripture ii. I08.
    I6. La Vallee Poussin, La Siddhi, 67I; Williams, Mahiiyiina Buddhism,
    I8I-3; Nagao, 'The Bodhisattva Returns to this World', in Leslie
    Kawamura (ed.), The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhism (Waterloo,
    Ontario, I98I), 61-79.
    I7. Paul Harrison, 'Is the Dharma-kaya the Real "Phantom Body" of

the Buddha?', Journal of the International Association of Buddhist

Studies, IS (I992), 44-94·

  1. Richard Gombrich, 'The Significance of Former Buddhas in
    Theravadin Tradition', in Somaratna Balasooriya et at. (eds.),

Buddhist Studies in Honour ofW alpola Rahula (London, I 980 ), 62-72:

I9. Conze, Buddhist Scriptures, 2II-I4 (= Milindapafiha 237-9; Maha-
prajfiaparamita-sastra 93b-c).

  1. R. Binibaum, The Healing Buddha (London, 198o); Paul Harrison

(trans.), The Samadhi of Direct Encounter with the Buddhas of the

Present (Tokyo, I990); Alan Sponberg and Helen Hardacre (eds.),
Maitreya: The Future Buddha (Cambridge, 1988); Stephan Beyer,

The Cult of Tarii: Magic and Ritual in Tibet (Berkeley, 1973). For

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