The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1

300 Notes to Pages 264-73

19. Lamotte, History of Indian Buddhism, I91-202; Ch'en, Buddhism

in China, 297-300; Jan Nattier, Once Upon a Future Time: Studies

in a Buddhist Prophecy of Decline (Berkeley, 1991).

  1. Daniel Stevenson, 'Pure Land Buddhist Worship and Meditation
    in China' and 'Death-Bed Testimonials of the Pure Land Faithful',
    in Lopez, Buddhism in Practice, 359-79, 592.,-602; Matsunaga,

Foundation of Japanese Buddhism, ii. 85-127.

21. Paul L. Swanson, Foundations of T'ien T'ai Philosophy: The

Flowering of the Two Truths Theory in Chinese Buddhism (Ber-

keley, 1989).

  1. See Chih-i's Hsiu-hsi chih-kuan tso-ch'an fa yao, Dwight Goddard
    (ed.), A Buddhist Bible (Boston, 1970), 437-96.

23. Garma Chang, The Buddhist Teaching of Totality (London, 1972);

Francis Cook, Hua-yen Buddhism (University Park, Fa., 1977).

24. Matsunaga, Foundation of Japane!je Buddhism ii. 147-18i.

  1. Snellgrove, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, .426-50; David Seyfort Ruegg,

Buddha-nature, Mind and the Problem of Gradualism in a Compar-

ative Perspective (London, 1989).

26. Kenneth Ch'en, 'The Tibetan Tripitaka', Harvard Journal of Asian

Studies, 9 (1945-7), 53-62; Renou and Filliozat (ed.), L'Inde clas-

sique, ii. 388-97; Tadeusz Skorupski, A Catalogue of the sTog

Palace Kanjur (Tokyo, 1985); Paul Harrison, 'A Brief History of
the Tibetan bKa' 'gyur', in Jose Ignacio Cabez6n and Roger R. .Jackson
(eds.), Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre (Ithaca, NY, 1996), 70-94.

27. James B. Robinson (trans.), Buddha's Lions: The Lives of the

Eighty-Four Siddhas (Berkeley, 1979); K"ith Dowman (trans.),
Masters of Mahamudra: Songs and Histories of the Eighty-Four
Buddhist Siddhas, (Albany, NY, 1985).

  1. Snellgrove, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, 1 19-21; Tadeusz Skorupski, 'The
    Canonical Tantras of the New Schools', in Cabez6n and Jackson,

Tibetan Literature, 95-no. See Tucci, The Religions of Tibet, 76-87

for the slightly different rNying-ma-pa scheme.

29. Tucci, The Religions of Tibet, 41, 134-5; Snellgrove, Indo-Tibetan

Buddhism, 498-99.

  1. Powers, Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism, 169-87; DonaldS. Lopez
    and Cyrus Stearns, 'A Report on Religious Activity in Central

Tibet', Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies,

9 (1986), IOI-7.

  1. Williams, Mahayana Buddhism, w5-9;Shenpen Hookham, The
    Buddha Within: The Tathiigatagarbha Doctrine according to the

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