The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1
Select Bibliography
Carter, John R., Dhamma: Western Academic and Sinhalese Buddhist

Interpretations: A Study of a Religious Concept (Tokyo, I978).

Collins, Steven, 'On The Very Idea of the Pali Canon', Journal of the

Pali Text Society, IS (I990), 89-126.

--'Notes on Some Oral Aspects of Pali Literature', Indo-Iranian

Journal, 35 (I992), I2I-35·
Cousins, L. S., 'Pali Oral Literature', in P. Denwood and A Piatigorsky

(eds.), Buddhist Studies: Ancient and Modern (London, I983), I-II.

--'The "Five Points" and the Origins of the Buddhist Schools', The
Buddhist Forum, 2 (I99I), 27-60.
Davidson, R. E., 'An Introduction to the Standards of Scriptural
Authenticity in Indian Buddhism', in Robert E. Buswell (ed.), Chi-
nese Buddhist Apocrypha (Honolulu, I990), 29I-325.

Galloway, Brian,' "Thus Have I Heard: At One Time ... "',Indo-Iranian

Journal, 34 (199I), 87-!04.
Gethin, Rupert, 'The Matikas: Memorization, Mindfulness and the

List', in J. Gyatso (ed.), In The Mirror of Memory: Reflections on

Mindfulness and Remembrance in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism
(Albany, NY, I992), I49-72.

Graham, William A, Beyond the Written Word: Oral .Aspects of

Scripture in the History of Religion (Cambridge, I987).

Hallisey, Charles, 'Councils as Ideas and Events in the Theravada', The
Buddhist Forum, 3 (I99I),.I33-48.
Harrison, Paul, 'Who Gets to Ride in the Great Vehicle? Self-Image
and Identity among the Followers of the Early Mahayana', Journal

of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, ro (I987), 67-89.

Hiniiber, Oskar von, A Handbook of Piili Literature (Berlin, I996).

Lamotte, Etienne, 'The Assessment of Textual Authenticity in Bud-
dhism', Buddhist Studies Review, I (I984), 4-I5.
Lopez, DonaldS. (ed.), Buddhist Hermeneutics (Honolulu, I988).
McDermott, J.P., 'Scripture as Word of the Buddha', Numen, 3I (I984),
McQueen, G., 'Inspired Speech in Mahayana Buddhism', Religion,
II-!2 (I98I-2), 303-I9, 49-65.
Nattier, Janice J., and Prebish, Charles S., 'Mahasatp.ghika Origins:

The Beginnings of Buddhist Sectarianism', History of Religions, I6

(I976), 237-72.
Norman, K. R., 'Asoka's "Schism" Edict', Collected Papers III (Oxford,
I992), I9I-2I8.
Prebish, Charles S., 'A Review of Scholarship on the Buddhist

Councils', Journal of Asian Studies, 33 (I974), 239-54.

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