The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1
Select Bibliography

Cousins, L. S., 'Buddhist Jhiina: Its Nature and Attainment according
to the Pali Sources', Religion, 3 (1973), n5-3I.
--'Samatha-Yana and Vipassana-Yana', in G. Dhammapala eta!. ( eds.),

Buddhist Studies in Honour of Hammalava Saddhiitissa (Nugegoda,

1984), 56-68.
--'Vitakka!Vitarka and Vicara: Stages ofSamadhi in Buddhism and
Yoga', Indo-Iranian Journal, 35 (1992), 137-57.
--'The Origins of Insight Meditation', The Buddhist Forum, 4 ( 1996),

Endo, Toshiichi, Dana: The Development of its Concepts and Practice

(Colombo, 1987).

Gethin, Rupert, The Buddhist Path to Awakening: A Study of the

Bodhi-Pakkhiyil Dhammil (Leiden, 1992).
Gombrich, Richard F., 'From Monastery to Meditation Centre: Lay
Meditation in Modern Sri Lanka', in Philip Denwood and Alexander
Piatigorsky (eds.), Buddhist Studies Ancient and Modern (London,
1983), 20-34·
Gomez, Luis 0., 'The Bodhisattva as Wonder Worker', in Lewis
Lancaster (ed.), Prajnaparamita and Related Systems: Studies in

Honor of Edward Conze (Berkeley, 1977), 221-6r.

Griffiths, Paul, 'Concentration or Insight: The Problematic of

Theravada Buddhist Meditation-Theory', Journal of the American

Academy of Religion, 49 (1981), 605-24.

King, W. L., Theraviida Meditation: The Buddhist Transformation of Yoga

(University Park, Pa., 1980).
La Vallee Poussin, Louis de, 'A Summary Note on the Path', in
Abhidharmakosabhii$yam, translated from the French by Leo M.
Pruden (Berkeley, 1989), III, pp. xiv-xxii.
Lati Rinbochay, et al., Meditative States in Tibetan Buddhism (London,

Lodro, Geshe Gedtin, Walking through Walls: A Presentation of

Tibetan Meditation (Ithaca, NY, 1992).
Pranke, Patrick, 'On Becoming a Buddhist Wizard', in DonaJd S. Lopez
(ed.), Buddhism in Practice (Princeton, 1995), 343-58.
Ruegg, David Seyfort, ' and Vegetarianism in the History of
Buddhism', in Somaratna Balasooriya eta!. (eds.), Buddhist Studies
in Honour ofWalpola Rahula (London, 1980), 234-41.

Skilling, Peter, 'The Rak~a Literature of the.Sravakayana', Journal of

the Pali Text Society, 16 (1992), 109-82.
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