The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1
Select Bibliography

Ch'en, Kenneth, 'The Tibetan Tripitaka', Harvard Journal of Asian

Studies, 9 (1945-7), 53-62.
--Buddism in China: A Historical Survey (Princeton, 1964).

Cook, Francis H., Hua-yen Buddhism: The Jewel Net of Indra (Uni-

versity Park, Pa., 1977).
Cousins, L. S., 'Aspects of Esoteric Southern Buddhism', in Peter
Connolly and Sue Hamilton (eds.), Indian Insights: Buddhism,
Brahmanism and Bhakti (London, 1997), 185-207.
De Silva, Lynn, Buddhism: Beliefs and Practices in Sri Lanka (Colombo,

Dumoulin, Heinrich, A History of Zen Buddhism (London, 1963).

Gombrich, Richard F., and Obeyesekere, Gananath, Buddhism Trans-
formed: Religious Change in Sri Lanka (Princeton, 1988).
Hakeda, Yoshito S., Kukai: Major Works: Translated with an Account

of his Life and a Study of his Thought (New York, 1972).

Hurvitz, Leon, 'Chin-i (538-597): An Introduction to the Life and Ideas
of a Chinese Buddhist Monk', Melanges Chinois et Bouddhiques,
12 (1963), 1-372.

de Jong, J. W., A Brief History of Buddhist Studies in Europe and

America (Varanasi, 1976).

Lancaster, Lewis R. (ed.), Introduction of Buddhism to Korea: New

Cultural Perspectives (Berkeley, 1989).
--(ed.), Assimilation of Buddhism in Korea: Religious Maturity and
Innovation in the Silla Dynasty (Berkely, 1991).

Ling, Trevor 0., Buddhist Revival in India: -Aspects of the Sociology of

Buddhism (London, 1980).

Lopez, DonaldS., Curators of the Buddha: The Study of Buddhism under

Colonialism (Chicago, 1995).

Matsunaga, Daigan, and Matsunaga, Ali<iia, Foundation of Japanese

Buddhism, 2 vols. (Tokyo, 1974-6).
Mellor, Philip A., 'Protestant Buddhism? The Cultural Translation of
Buddhism in England', Religion, 21 (1991), 73-92.

Nanjio, Bunyiu, A Catalogue of the Chinese Translation of the Buddhist

Tripitaka: The Sacred Canon of the Buddhists in China and Japan

(Oxford, 1883).
Nattier, Jan, Once Upon a Future Time: Studies in a Buddhist Prophecy
of Decline (Berkeley, 1991).
Powers, John, Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism (Ithaca, NY, 1995).
Samuel, Geoffrey, Civilized Shamans: Buddhism in Tibetan Societies
(Washington, DC, 1993).

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