The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1

320 Glossary
dhyana/jhiina a meditation attainment
d~kha/dukkha 'pain'; the unease or unsatisfach.>riness which charac-
terizes existence
karma/kamma good and bad actions of body, speech, and mind whose
pleasant and unpleasant results are experienced in this and subsequent
kusala/kusala good, skilful, wholesome
Madhyamaka 'the middle'; alongside Yogacara, one of the two prin-
cipal schools of Mahayana Buddhist thought
Madhyamika a follower of Madhyamaka ( q.v.)
Mahasiilpghika 'a follower of the great community', an ancient Bud-
dhist school
Mahayana 'great vehicle'; a broad school of Buddhism
Mantrayana 'the secret spell vehicle', commonly referred to as Tantric
Mara the tempter figure in Buddhist mythology
Maudgalyayana/Moggallana the disciple of the Buddha regarded as chief
in meditational powers
Nagarjuna c.2nd-century CE Buddhist thinker associated with the
Madhyamaka school of thought
never-returner (sakrd-/sakad-iigiimin) one who has attained the third
of the four noble paths culminating in arhatship
Nikaya a division of the Siltra Pitaka section of the ancient Buddhist
canon ( = Agama)
nirval}.a/nibbana the 'blowing out' of the fires of greed, hatred, and delu-
sion; the ultimate goal of Buddhist practice; the unconditioned
once returner (aniigiimin) one who has attained the second of the four
noble paths culminating in arhatship
parinirval}.a/parinibbana the final death of a buddha or arhat; or
another term for nirval).a (q.v.)
prajiia/paiiiia 'wisdom', 'understanding' (Buddhist meditation), cf.
Prajiiaparamita 'perfection of wisdom'; a class of Mahayana Buddhist
pratimok~a/patimokkha the Buddhist monastic rule contained in the
pratyeka-buddha/pacceka-buddha a solitary buddha (as distinct from
a samyak-sambuddha)
Pudgalavadin a follower of the Pudgalavada or 'teaching that the per-
son exists'; an ancient Buddhist school

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