The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1

332 Index
Sutranta/Suttanta 207-8
Siitra Pitaka 45, 49, 254
Suttanipiita 47, 95
svabhava 238,242,243
Svayambhunatha 276
Ta-chih Huai-hai I07
TaishO Tripitaka 40, 258-9
Taiwan 258
Tamils IOI
T'ang dynasty 257
T'an-luan 264
tan tra I 65, 260
Tantric Buddhism 268-9; see also
Mantryana, Vajniyana
Tao-an 26I
Tao-chan 264
Tao-hsiian 260
Taoism r, 257
Tao-sheng 26I
Tara 233
Tathagata 26, 27, 28, 66, 68
tathiigata-garbha 125, 222, 250-2,
262; see also buddha-nature
Tathiigata-garbha Siitra 226, 25I
tathata 248
Tendai s6, IOI, 260, 265
Tenjur 40, 4I, 267-8
terma (gTerma) 270
Thailand I, I28, 256-7
theory, Buddhist attitude towards
Theosophical Society 274
Theravada I,40,4I,48,49,53,54,
55,88, 105,106,107,109,197,224,
234, 262, 275; Abhidharma 204,
21o-I8; cosmology IIS-I9, I23;
esoteric 165, 257; history of 253-7;
nuns 91; and 'pure' Buddhism
130; understanding of causality
153; view of nirvaQ.a 77-8; Vinaya
Therigiithii 91
Thirty-Three, Heaven of 25, II3,
Thoreau, H. D. 274
Thiiparama 99
Tibet 40, 57, 86, IOI, ro6, 107, ro8,
II5, 188, 273, 274, 276; Buddhist

thought in 272-3; Chinese invasion
of 272; monks in 223; nuns in 91
Tibetan Buddhism 2, 5, 17, 44, 58,
88,89, !65,233,252,266-73;
schools of 270-2; in the West 275
Tibetan Book of the Dead 217
Tibetan Wheel of Existence 159
T'ien-t'ai 259, 260, 264-5, 272
Trixp.sika 207, 244, 24 s
Tripitaka/Tipitaka 40, 49; Chinese
tri-svabhava 245, 246-7
Tri-svabhiiva-Nirdesa 244
tr~JJiiltm:tha, see craving
truth (satya/sacca) 69; two
(conventional/ultimate) 145-6,
207, 239, 242, 245; see also four
noble truths
Tsong-kha-pa 165, 271, 274
Tucci, G. 274
tulku (sprul-skus) 270
Tu-shun 265
Tu~ita/Tusita Heaven 17-18, 18,
19-20, 63, 263
Udiina 76
Udraka Ramaputra/Uddaka
Ramaputta 21
undetermined (avyakrta/avyakata)
questions 66-8, 77
upiidiina 71, 146, 150
Upani~ads 12, 133':.4, 137, 138, 148,
upiisaka/upasika 100, 107-8, I67; see
also lay community
Upasena 254
upasampadii 87-8
Upatissa 177, 179, 181, 254
upiiya-kau§alya 228,230,264
upek~a/upekkha 187
uposatha, see po~adha
USA 274-5, 275
Ussher, Archbishop 131
Uttarakuru 203
Uttaratantra 252
Vacchagotta 161
Vaibha~ika 206, 242; see also
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