Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1
In  [ 58 ]: def fo((x,  y)):
z = np.sin(x) + 0.05 * x ** 2 + np.sin(y) + 0.05 * y ** 2
if output == True:
print ‘%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f’ % (x, y, z)
return z

This allows us to keep track of all relevant information for the procedure, as the following

code with its respective output illustrates. brute takes the parameter ranges as input. For

example, providing parameter range (-10, 10.1, 5) for the x value will lead to “tested”

values of -10, -5, 0, 5, 10:

In  [ 59 ]: output  =   True
spo.brute(fo, ((- 10 , 10.1, 5 ), (- 10 , 10.1, 5 )), finish=None)
Out[59]: -10.0000 -10.0000 11.0880
-10.0000 -10.0000 11.0880
-10.0000 -5.0000 7.7529
-10.0000 0.0000 5.5440
-10.0000 5.0000 5.8351
-10.0000 10.0000 10.0000
-5.0000 -10.0000 7.7529
-5.0000 -5.0000 4.4178
-5.0000 0.0000 2.2089
-5.0000 5.0000 2.5000
-5.0000 10.0000 6.6649
0.0000 -10.0000 5.5440
0.0000 -5.0000 2.2089
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 5.0000 0.2911
0.0000 10.0000 4.4560
5.0000 -10.0000 5.8351
5.0000 -5.0000 2.5000
5.0000 0.0000 0.2911
5.0000 5.0000 0.5822
5.0000 10.0000 4.7471
10.0000 -10.0000 10.0000
10.0000 -5.0000 6.6649
10.0000 0.0000 4.4560
10.0000 5.0000 4.7471
10.0000 10.0000 8.9120

                                    array([ 0.,     0.])

The optimal parameter values, given the initial parameterization of the function, are x = y

= 0. The resulting function value is also 0, as a quick review of the preceding output

reveals. The first parameterization here is quite rough, in that we used steps of width 5 for

both input parameters. This can of course be refined considerably, leading to better results

in this case:

In  [ 60 ]: output  =   False
opt1 = spo.brute(fo, ((- 10 , 10.1, 0.1), (- 10 , 10.1, 0.1)), finish=None)
Out[60]: array([-1.4, -1.4])
In [ 61 ]: fm(opt1)
Out[61]: -1.7748994599769203

The optimal parameter values are now x = y = –1.4 and the minimal function value for the

global minimization is about –1.7749.

Local Optimization

For the local convex optimization we want to draw on the results from the global

optimization. The function fmin takes as input the function to minimize and the starting

parameter values. In addition, you can define levels for the input parameter tolerance and

the function value tolerance, as well as for the maximum number of iterations and function


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