Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1
standard_cauchy [ size] Samples from standard Cauchy distribution with mode = 0


[ size]

Samples from the standard exponential distribution


shape[, size]

Samples from a standard gamma distribution


[ size]

Samples from a standard normal distribution (mean=0, stdev=1)


df[, size]

Samples from a Student’s t distribution with df degrees of



left, mode, right[, size]

Samples from the triangular distribution


[ low, high, size]

Samples from a uniform distribution


mu, kappa[, size]

Samples from a von Mises distribution


mean, scale[, size]

Samples from a Wald, or inverse Gaussian, distribution


a[, size]

Samples from a Weibull distribution


a[, size]

Samples from a Zipf distribution

Although there is much criticism around the use of (standard) normal distributions in

finance, they are an indispensible tool and still the most widely used type of distribution,

in analytical as well as numerical applications. One reason is that many financial models

directly rest in one way or another on a normal distribution or a log-normal distribution.

Another reason is that many financial models that do not rest directly on a (log-)normal

assumption can be discretized, and therewith approximated for simulation purposes, by the

use of the normal distribution.

As an illustration, we want to visualize random draws from the following distributions:

Standard normal with mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1

Normal with mean of 100 and standard deviation of 20

Chi square with 0.5 degrees of freedom

Poisson with lambda of 1

We do this as follows:

In  [ 8 ]:  sample_size =    500
rn1 = npr.standard_normal(sample_size)
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