Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1

                                                                            size                        10000.000                       10000.000
min 0.004 0.005
max 0.049 0.050
mean 0.020 0.020
std 0.006 0.006
skew 0.529 0.572
kurtosis 0.418 0.503

However, a major difference can be observed in terms of execution speed, since sampling

from the noncentral chi-square distribution is more computationally demanding than from

the standard normal distribution. To illustrate this point, consider a larger number of paths

to be simulated:

In  [ 29 ]: I   =    250000
%time x1 = srd_euler()
Out[29]: CPU times: user 1.02 s, sys: 84 ms, total: 1.11 s
Wall time: 1.11 s
In [ 30 ]: %time x2 = srd_exact()
Out[30]: CPU times: user 2.26 s, sys: 32 ms, total: 2.3 s
Wall time: 2.3 s

The exact scheme takes roughly twice as much time for virtually the same results as with

the Euler scheme:

In  [ 31 ]: print_statistics(x1[- 1 ],  x2[- 1 ])
x1 = 0.0; x2 = 0.0
Out[31]: statistic data set 1 data set 2
size 250000.000 250000.000
min 0.003 0.004
max 0.069 0.060
mean 0.020 0.020
std 0.006 0.006
skew 0.554 0.578
kurtosis 0.488 0.502

Stochastic volatility

One of the major simplifying assumptions of the Black-Scholes-Merton model is the

constant volatility. However, volatility in general is neither constant nor deterministic; it is

stochastic. Therefore, a major advancement with regard to financial modeling was

achieved in the early 1990s with the introduction of so-called stochastic volatility models.

One of the most popular models that fall into that category is that of Heston (1993), which

is presented in Equation 10-7.

Equation 10-7. Stochastic differential equations for Heston stochastic volatility model

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