Figure 10-15. Comparison of static and dynamic Monte Carlo estimator values
A similar picture emerges for the dynamic simulation and valuation approach, whose
results are reported in Figure 10-16. Again, all valuation differences are smaller than 1%,
absolutely with both positive and negative deviations. As a general rule, the quality of the
Monte Carlo estimator can be controlled for by adjusting the number of time intervals M
used and/or the number of paths I simulated:
In [ 63 ]: fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots( 2 , 1 , sharex=True, figsize=( 8 , 6 ))
ax1.plot(k_list, anal_res, ‘b’, label=‘analytical’)
ax1.plot(k_list, dyna_res, ‘ro’, label=‘dynamic’)
ax1.set_ylabel(‘European call option value’)
ax1.legend(loc= 0 )
ax1.set_ylim(ymin= 0 )
wi = 1.0 - wi / 2 , (anal_res - dyna_res) / anal_res * 100 , wi)
ax2.set_ylabel(‘difference in %’)
ax2.set_xlim(left= 75 , right= 125 )
Figure 10-16. Comparison of static and dynamic Monte Carlo estimator values
American Options
The valuation of American options is more involved compared to European options. In
this case, an optimal stopping problem has to be solved to come up with a fair value of the
option. Equation 10-12 formulates the valuation of an American option as such a problem.
The problem formulation is already based on a discrete time grid for use with numerical
simulation. In a sense, it is therefore more correct to speak of an option value given
Bermudan exercise. For the time interval converging to zero length, the value of the
Bermudan option converges to the one of the American option.
Equation 10-12. American option prices as optimal stopping problem