Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1
plt.axhline( 0 , color=‘k’, ls=‘—’, lw=2.0)
plt.axvline( 0 , color=‘k’, ls=‘—’, lw=2.0)
plt.xlabel(‘expected volatility’)
plt.ylabel(‘expected return’)
plt.colorbar(label=‘Sharpe ratio’)

Figure 11-14. Capital market line and tangency portfolio (star) for risk-free rate of 1%

The portfolio weights of the optimal (tangent) portfolio are as follows. Only three of the

five assets are in the mix:

In  [ 75 ]: cons    =   ({‘type’:   ‘eq’,   ‘fun’:  lambda x:       statistics(x)[ 0 ]  -   f(opt[ 2 ])},
{‘type’: ‘eq’, ‘fun’: lambda x: np.sum(x) - 1 })
res = sco.minimize(min_func_port, noa * [1. / noa,], method=‘SLSQP’,
bounds=bnds, constraints=cons)
In [ 76 ]: res[‘x’].round( 3 )
Out[76]: array([ 0.684, 0.059, 0.257, -0. , 0. ])
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