({{ comment.user }} @ {{ comment.time }})
{% else %}
No comments so far.
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
Once a user is logged in and has posted some comments, the main page shows the text
field and the Post button as well as all comments stored in the database (cf. Figure 14-10).
Just showing the screenshots in combination with the templates is cheating, in a sense.
What is missing in the mix is the styling information.
Figure 14-10. Screenshot of Tradechat main page
Today’s standard when it comes to the styling of web pages and web-based applications is
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). If you take a closer look at the single templates, you will
find in many places parameterizations like class=comments or class=add-comment.
Without a corresponding CSS file, these parameterizations are essentially meaningless.
Therefore, let us have a look at the file style.css, stored in the (sub)directory static and