Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1

options (e.g., on a volatility index). The model we use is the one of Gruenbichler and

Longstaff (1996). They model the volatility process (e.g., the process of a volatility index)

in direct fashion by a square-root diffusion, provided in Equation 14-1. This process is

known to exhibit convenient features for volatility modeling, like positivity and mean


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Equation 14-1. Square-root diffusion for volatility modeling

The variables and parameters in Equation 14-1 have the following meanings:


The time t value of the volatility index (for example, the VSTOXX)


The long-run mean of the volatility index


The rate at which Vt reverts to


The volatility of the volatility (“vol-vol”)

θV, κV, and ΣV

Assumed to be constant and positive


A standard Brownian motion

Based on this model, Gruenbichler and Longstaff (1996) derive the formula provided in

Equation 14-2 for the value of a European call option. In the formula, D(T) is the

appropriate discount factor. The parameter denotes the expected premium for volatility

risk, while is the complementary noncentral



Equation 14-2. Call option formula of Gruenbichler and Longstaff (1996)

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