Nowadays, web technologies are an integral part of almost any application architecture.
They are not only beneficial for communicating with the outside world and providing
simple to sophisticated web services to external entities, but also within (financial)
This chapter first illustrates some basic techniques with regard to the most common
communication protocols (mainly FTP and HTTP). It also shows how to implement
interactive web plotting, how to interface in real time with web-based financial data APIs
(e.g., JSON-based) and how to visualize such high frequency data in real time with Bokeh.
These basic tools and techniques are helpful in almost any context.
However, the Python ecosystem also provides a number of powerful, high level
frameworks to develop even complex web applications in rapid fashion. We use Flask, a
framework which has gained some popularity recently, to implement a simple chat room
for traders with simple user administration (registration and login). All elements of a
typical web application — core functionality in Python, templating with Jinja2, and
styling with CSS — are illustrated.
Finally, the last section in this chapter addresses the important topic of web services.
Using the Werkzeug library for a somewhat simplified handling of WSGI applications, we
implement a web-based pricing service for volatility options based on the model and
formula of Gruenbichler and Longstaff (1996).