Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1


This chapter provides the framework for the larger project of building a Python library to

value options and other derivatives by Monte Carlo simulation. The chapter introduces the

Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing, illustrating it by a rather simple numerical

example. Important results in this regard are provided for a general market model in

discrete time.

The chapter also develops a Python class for risk-neutral discounting purposes to make

numerical use of the machinery of the Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing. Based on a

list of either Python datetime objects or floats representing year fractions, instances of

the class constant_short_rate provide the respective discount factors (present values of

unit zero-coupon bonds).

The chapter concludes with the rather generic market_environment class, which allows

for the collection of relevant data and Python objects for modeling, simulation, valuation,

and other purposes.

To simplify future imports we will use a wrapper module called, as

presented in Example 15-4.

Example 15-4. Wrapper module for framework components

DX Library Frame

import datetime as dt

from get_year_deltas import get_year_deltas
from constant_short_rate import constant_short_rate
from market_environment import market_environment

A single import statement like the following then makes all framework components

available in a single step:

from dx_frame import    *

Thinking of a Python library and a package of modules, there is also the option to store all

relevant Python modules in a (sub)directory and to put in that directory a special init file

that does all the imports. For example, when storing all modules in a directory called dx,

say, the file presented in Example 15-5 does the job. However, notice the naming

convention for this particular file.

Example 15-5. Python packaging file

DX Library

packaging file

import datetime as dt

from get_year_deltas import get_year_deltas
from constant_short_rate import constant_short_rate
from market_environment import market_environment

In that case you can just use the directory name to accomplish all the imports at once:

from dx import  *

Or via the alternative approach:

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