Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1
                            returns Monte   Carlo   paths   given   the market  environment

def init(self, name, mar_env, corr=False):
super(geometric_brownian_motion, self).init(name, mar_env, corr)

def update(self, initial_value=None, volatility=None, final_date=None):
if initial_value is not None:
self.initial_value = initial_value
if volatility is not None:
self.volatility = volatility
if final_date is not None:
self.final_date = final_date
self.instrument_values = None

def generate_paths(self, fixed_seed=False, day_count=365.):
if self.time_grid is None:

method from generic simulation class

number of dates for time grid

M = len(self.time_grid)

number of paths

I = self.paths

array initialization for path simulation

paths = np.zeros((M, I))

initialize first date with initial_value

paths[ 0 ] = self.initial_value
if not self.correlated:

if not correlated, generate random numbers

rand = sn_random_numbers(( 1 , M, I),

if correlated, use random number object as provided

in market environment

rand = self.random_numbers
short_rate = self.discount_curve.short_rate

get short rate for drift of process

for t in range( 1 , len(self.time_grid)):

select the right time slice from the relevant

random number set

if not self.correlated:
ran = rand[t]
ran =, rand[:, t, :])
ran = ran[self.rn_set]
dt = (self.time_grid[t] - self.time_grid[t - 1 ]).days / day_count

difference between two dates as year fraction

paths[t] = paths[t - 1 ] * np.exp((short_rate - 0.5

  • self.volatility * 2 ) dt

                                                                                                                                            +   self.volatility *   np.sqrt(dt) *   ran)

generate simulated values for the respective date

self.instrument_values = paths

In this particular case, the market_environment object has to contain only the data and

objects shown in Table 16-1 — i.e., the minimum set of components.

The method update does what its name suggests: it allows the updating of selected

important parameters of the model. The method generate_paths is, of course, a bit more

involved. However, it has a number of inline comments that should make clear the most

important aspects. Some complexity is brought into this method by, in principle, allowing

for the correlation between different model simulation objects. This will become clearer,

especially in Example 18-2.

A Use Case

The following interactive IPython session illustrates the use of the

geometric_brownian_motion class. First, we have to generate a market_environment

object with all mandatory elements:

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