Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1

self.instrument_values = paths

Of course, since we are dealing now with a different model, we need a different set of

elements in the market_environment object. In addition to those for the

geometric_brownian_motion class (see Table 16-1), there are three additions, as outlined

in Table 16-2: namely, the parameters of the log-normal jump component, lambda, mu, and


Table 16-2. Specific elements of market environment for jump_diffusion class

Element Type Mandatory Description




Jump intensity (probability p.a.)




Expected jump size




Standard deviation of jump size

For the generation of the paths, this class of course needs further random numbers because

of the jump component. Inline comments in the method generate_paths highlight the two

spots where these additional random numbers are generated. For the generation of

Poisson-distributed random numbers, see also Chapter 10.

A Use Case

In what follows, we again illustrate the use of the simulation class jump_diffusion

interactively. We make use of the market_environment object defined for the GBM object

in the previous section:

In  [ 15 ]: me_jd   =   market_environment(‘me_jd’, dt.datetime( 2015 ,  1 ,     1 ))
In [ 16 ]: # add jump diffusion specific parameters
me_jd.add_constant(‘lambda’, 0.3)
me_jd.add_constant(‘mu’, -0.75)
me_jd.add_constant(‘delta’, 0.1)

To this environment, we add the complete environment of the GBM simulation class,

which completes the input needed:

In  [ 17 ]: me_jd.add_environment(me_gbm)

Based on this market_environment object, we can instantiate the simulation class for the

jump diffusion:

In  [ 18 ]: from jump_diffusion import jump_diffusion
In [ 19 ]: jd = jump_diffusion(‘jd’, me_jd)

Due to the modeling approach we have implemented, the generation of instrument values

is now formally the same. The method call in this case is a bit slower, however, since we

need to simulate more numerical values due to the jump component:

In  [ 20 ]: %time paths_3   =   jd.get_instrument_values()
Out[20]: CPU times: user 19.7 ms, sys: 2.92 ms, total: 22.6 ms
Wall time: 21.9 ms

With the aim of again comparing two different sets of paths, change, for example, the

jump probability:

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