This chapter develops all the tools and classes needed for the simulation of the three
stochastic processes of interest: geometric Brownian motions, jump diffusions, and
square-root diffusions. The chapter presents a function to conveniently generate standard
normally distributed random numbers. It then proceeds by introducing a generic model
simulation class. Based on this foundation, the chapter introduces three specialized
simulation classes and presents use cases for these classes.
To simplify future imports, we can again use a wrapper module called,
as presented in Example 16-6.
Example 16-6. Wrapper module for simulation components
DX Library Simulation
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from dx_frame import *
from sn_random_numbers import sn_random_numbers
from simulation_class import simulation_class
from geometric_brownian_motion import geometric_brownian_motion
from jump_diffusion import jump_diffusion
from square_root_diffusion import square_root_diffusion
As with the first wrapper module,, the benefit is that a single import
statement makes available all simulation components in a single step:
from dx_simulation import *
Since also imports everything from, this single import in
fact exposes all functionality developed so far. The same holds true for the enhanced init
file in the dx directory, as shown in Example 16-7.
Example 16-7. Enhanced Python packaging file
DX Library
packaging file
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
from get_year_deltas import get_year_deltas
from constant_short_rate import constant_short_rate
from market_environment import market_environment
from sn_random_numbers import sn_random_numbers
from simulation_class import simulation_class
from geometric_brownian_motion import geometric_brownian_motion
from jump_diffusion import jump_diffusion
from square_root_diffusion import square_root_diffusion