Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1

Chapter 18. Portfolio Valuation

Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.

— Warren Buffet

By now, the whole approach for building the DX derivatives analytics library — and its

associated benefits — should be rather clear. By strictly relying on Monte Carlo

simulation as the only numerical method, we accomplish an almost complete

modularization of the analytics library:


The relevant risk-neutral discounting is taken care of by an instance of the

constant_short_rate class.

Relevant data

Relevant data, parameters, and other input are stored in (several) instances of the

market_environment class.

Simulation objects

Relevant risk factors (underlyings) are modeled as instances of one of three

simulation classes:




Valuation objects

Options and derivatives to be valued are modeled as instances of one of two

valuation classes:



One last step is missing: the valuation of possibly complex portfolios of options and

derivatives. To this end, we require the following:


Every risk factor (underlying) is modeled only once and potentially used by multiple

valuation objects.


Correlations between risk factors have to be accounted for.


An options position, for example, can consist of certain multiples of an options


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