Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1

Derivatives Portfolios

From a portfolio perspective, a “relevant market” is mainly composed of the relevant risk

factors (underlyings) and their correlations, as well as the derivatives and derivatives

positions, respectively, to be valued. Theoretically, we are now dealing with a general

market model ℳ as defined in Chapter 15, and applying the Fundamental Theorem of

Asset Pricing (with its corollaries) to it.

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The Class

A somewhat complex Python class implementing a portfolio valuation based on the

Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing — taking into account multiple relevant risk

factors and multiple derivatives positions — is presented as Example 18-2. The class is

rather comprehensively documented inline, especially during passages that implement

functionality specific to the purpose at hand.

Example 18-2. A class to value a derivatives portfolio

DX Library Portfolio

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from dx_valuation import *

models available for risk factor modeling

models = {‘gbm’ : geometric_brownian_motion,
‘jd’ : jump_diffusion,
‘srd’ : square_root_diffusion}

allowed exercise types

otypes = {‘European’ : valuation_mcs_european,
‘American’ : valuation_mcs_american}

class derivatives_portfolio(object):
”’ Class for building portfolios of derivatives positions.

name : str
name of the object
positions : dict
dictionary of positions (instances of derivatives_position class)
val_env : market_environment
market environment for the valuation
assets : dict
dictionary of market environments for the assets
correlations : list
correlations between assets
fixed_seed : Boolean
flag for fixed rng seed

get_positions :
prints information about the single portfolio positions
get_statistics :
returns a pandas DataFrame object with portfolio statistics

def init(self, name, positions, val_env, assets,
correlations=None, fixed_seed=False): = name
self.positions = positions
self.val_env = val_env

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