Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1

Further Reading

As for the preceding chapters on the DX derivatives analytics library, Glasserman (2004) is

a comprehensive resource for Monte Carlo simulation in the context of financial

engineering and applications. Hilpisch (2015) also provides Python-based

implementations of the most important Monte Carlo algorithms:

Glasserman, Paul (2004): Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering. Springer,

New York.

Hilpisch, Yves (2015): Derivatives Analytics with Python. Wiley Finance, Chichester,


However, there is hardly any research available when it comes to the valuation of

(complex) portfolios of derivatives in a consistent, nonredundant fashion by Monte Carlo

simulation. A notable exception, at least from a conceptual point of view, is the brief

article by Albanese, Gimonet, and White (2010a). A bit more detailed is the white paper

by the same team of authors:

Albanese, Claudio, Guillaume Gimonet, and Steve White (2010a): “Towards a

Global Valuation Model.” Risk Magazine, May issue.

Albanese, Claudio, Guillaume Gimonet, and Steve White (2010b): “Global Valuation

and Dynamic Risk Management.”

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In practice, the approach we choose here is sometimes called global valuation instead of instrument-specific

valuation. Cf. the article by Albanese, Gimonet, and White (2010a) in Risk Magazine.
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