Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1

”’ Tests if function f calculates correctly. ”’
nt.assert_equal(f(4.), 4.)
nt.assert_equal(f( 1000 ), 1000 )
nt.assert_equal(f(5000.5), 5000.5)

def test_f_type_error():
”’ Tests if type error is raised. ”’
nt.assert_raises(TypeError, f, ‘test string’)
nt.assert_raises(TypeError, f, [ 3 , ‘string’])

def test_f_value_error():
”’ Tests if value error is raised. ”’
nt.assert_raises(ValueError, f, - 1 )
nt.assert_raises(ValueError, f, -2.5)

def test_f_test_fails():
”’ Tests if function test fails. ”’
nt.assert_equal(f(5.), 10 )

Table A-2 describes the test functions that are implemented.

Table A-2. Test functions for simple function f

Function Description


Tests if the function generates correct results


Checks if the function raises a type error when expected


Checks if the function raises a value error when expected


Tests if the calculation test fails as expected (for illustration)

From the command line/shell, you can run the following tests:

$   nosetests
FAIL: Test if function test fails.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Library/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/”,
line 197, in runTest self.test(*self.arg)
File “//Users/yhilpisch/Documents/Work/Python4Finance/python/”,
line 30, in test_f_test_fails
nt.assert_equal(f(5.), 10)
AssertionError: 5.000000000000001 != 10

Ran 4 tests in 0.002s

FAILED  (failures=1)

Obviously, the first three tests are successful, while the last one fails as expected. Using

such tools — and more importantly, implementing a rigorous approach to unit testing —

may require more effort up front, but you and those working with your code will benefit in

the long run.

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