Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1
Figure 3-5. Historical levels of the S&P 500 index

The trend strategy we want to implement is based on both a two-month (i.e., 42 trading

days) and a one-year (i.e., 252 trading days) trend (i.e., the moving average of the index

level for the respective period). Again, pandas makes it efficient to generate the respective

time series and to plot the three relevant time series in a single figure. First, the generation

of the trend data:

In  [ 36 ]: sp500[‘42d’]    =   np.round(pd.rolling_mean(sp500[‘Close’],    window= 42 ),    2 )
sp500[‘252d’] = np.round(pd.rolling_mean(sp500[‘Close’], window= 252 ), 2 )

In this example, the first line simultaneously adds a new column to the pandas DataFrame

object and puts in the values for the 42-day trend. The second line does the same with

respect to the 252-day trend. Consequently, we now have two new columns. These have

fewer entries due to the very nature of the data we have generated for these columns —

i.e., they start only at those dates when 42 and 252 observation points, respectively, are

available for the first time to calculate the desired statistics:

In  [ 37 ]: sp500[[‘Close’, ‘42d’,  ‘252d’]].tail()
Out[37]: Close 42d 252d
2014-04-08 1851.96 1853.88 1728.66
2014-04-09 1872.18 1855.66 1729.79
2014-04-10 1833.08 1856.46 1730.74
2014-04-11 1815.69 1856.36 1731.64
2014-04-14 1830.61 1856.63 1732.74

Second, the plotting of the new data. The resulting plot in Figure 3-6 already provides

some insights into what was going on in the past with respect to upward and downward


In  [ 38 ]: sp500[[‘Close’, ‘42d’,  ‘252d’]].plot(grid=True,    figsize=( 8 ,    5 ))
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