Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1

Objects of type list are much more flexible and powerful in comparison to tuple objects.

From a finance point of view, you can achieve a lot working only with list objects, such

as storing stock price quotes and appending new data. A list object is defined through

brackets and the basic capabilities and behavior are similar to those of tuple objects:

In  [ 43 ]: l   =   [ 1 ,   2.5,    ‘data’]
l[ 2 ]
Out[43]: ‘data’

list objects can also be defined or converted by using the function list. The following

code generates a new list object by converting the tuple object from the previous


In  [ 44 ]: l   =   list(t)
Out[44]: [1, 2.5, ‘data’]
In [ 45 ]: type(l)
Out[45]: list

In addition to the characteristics of tuple objects, list objects are also expandable and

reducible via different methods. In other words, whereas string and tuple objects are

immutable sequence objects (with indexes) that cannot be changed once created, list

objects are mutable and can be changed via different operations. You can append list

objects to an existing list object, and more:

In  [ 46 ]: l.append([ 4 ,   3 ])       #   append  list    at  the end
Out[46]: [1, 2.5, ‘data’, [4, 3]]
In [ 47 ]: l.extend([1.0, 1.5, 2.0]) # append elements of list
Out[47]: [1, 2.5, ‘data’, [4, 3], 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]
In [ 48 ]: l.insert( 1 , ‘insert’) # insert object before index position
Out[48]: [1, ‘insert’, 2.5, ‘data’, [4, 3], 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]
In [ 49 ]: l.remove(‘data’) # remove first occurrence of object
Out[49]: [1, ‘insert’, 2.5, [4, 3], 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]
In [ 50 ]: p = l.pop( 3 ) # removes and returns object at index
print l, p
Out[50]: [1, ‘insert’, 2.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0] [4, 3]

Slicing is also easily accomplished. Here, slicing refers to an operation that breaks down a

data set into smaller parts (of interest):

In  [ 51 ]: l[ 2 : 5 ]      #   3rd to  5th elements
Out[51]: [2.5, 1.0, 1.5]

Table 4-2 provides a summary of selected operations and methods of the list object.

Table 4-2. Selected operations and methods of list objects

Method Arguments Returns/result

l[i] = x


Replaces ith element by x

l[i:j:k] = s


Replaces every kth element from i to j - 1 by s
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