Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1
Out[60]:    False

The return object is a Boolean. Such a function can be applied to a whole list object by

using map:

In  [ 61 ]: map(even,   range( 10 ))
Out[61]: [True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False]

To this end, we can also provide a function definition directly as an argument to map, by

using lambda or anonymous functions:

In  [ 62 ]: map(lambda x:   x   **   2 ,    range( 10 ))
Out[62]: [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

Functions can also be used to filter a list object. In the following example, the filter

returns elements of a list object that match the Boolean condition as defined by the even


In  [ 63 ]: filter(even,    range( 15 ))
Out[63]: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]

Finally, reduce helps when we want to apply a function to all elements of a list object

that returns a single value only. An example is the cumulative sum of all elements in a

list object (assuming that summation is defined for the objects contained in the list):

In  [ 64 ]: reduce(lambda x,    y:  x   +   y,  range( 10 ))
Out[64]: 45

An alternative, nonfunctional implementation could look like the following:

In  [ 65 ]: def cumsum(l):
total = 0
for elem in l:
total += elem
return total
cumsum(range( 10 ))
Out[65]: 45


It can be considered good practice to avoid loops on the Python level as far as possible. list comprehensions and

functional programming tools like map, filter, and reduce provide means to write code without loops that is both

compact and in general more readable. lambda or anonymous functions are also powerful tools in this context.


dict objects are dictionaries, and also mutable sequences, that allow data retrieval by keys

that can, for example, be string objects. They are so-called key-value stores. While list

objects are ordered and sortable, dict objects are unordered and unsortable. An example

best illustrates further differences to list objects. Curly brackets are what define dict


In  [ 66 ]: d   =   {
‘Name’ : ‘Angela Merkel’,
‘Country’ : ‘Germany’,
‘Profession’ : ‘Chancelor’,
‘Age’ : 60
Out[66]: dict
In [ 67 ]: print d[‘Name’], d[‘Age’]
Out[67]: Angela Merkel 60

Again, this class of objects has a number of built-in methods:

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