Artists & Illustrators 45``````notebook``````MASTER TIPS JOHN SINGER SARGENT``````Discover The Painting Techniques ofthe worldâs greatest artists``````Singer Sargent created one of his best works, Carantion, Lily, Lily,Rose during one of the most diffi cult periods in his life, when heâdfl ed the Paris Salon in scandal following negative public responseto his evocative portrait, Madame X. Taking refuge in the artistâscolony in Broadway, Worcestershire, he found inspiration for thepainting whilst on a boat trip down the Thames at Pangbourne in1885, and spotted Chinese lanterns hanging from the trees.Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose is a rare example of Sargentâs extremeplein air technique. The work was created almost entirelyoutdoors, during the late summers of 1885 and 1886. Hepositioned his models at the same time each evening to capturethe mauve-toned light of dusk. Each time, he had just a fewminutes to spare. When autumn arrived, Sargent replaced thewilting fl owers with artifi cial blossoms, and continued on. Whenthe painting was almost complete, he cut two feet off the left handside of the canvas, leaving it almost square; allowing the viewer tofocus on the composition.Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose will be on display at the exhibition Paintingwith Light Art and Photography from the Pre-Raphaelites to themodern age, Tate Britain, London SW1, until 25 September., LILY, LILY, ROSE 1885-86, OIL PAINT ON CANVAS, 174X153CM TATE. PRESENTED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE CHANTREY BEQUEST 1887``````Why not try... FigurePainting with CollageRod Judkinsâ guide toexperimental fi gure studiesTry using collage to understand thebuilding blocks of your image. Theartistâs eye is often overwhelmed bythe amount of visual information itreceives when observing thehuman fi gure. It helps me if Isimplify a complex structure.Start a fi gure painting byproducing a small, rough collagesuch as Change (pictured). Breakthe fi gure down into simple, basicshapes. With Change I fi r s tprepared sheets of paper bypainting the darkest, lightest andthen two mid-tones.I built the composition bytearing up these tones and gluingthem in place. If I feel an areahas not worked, I simply paste a block of colouredpaper over that area to begin again. In this way a complexfi gure can be created in simple steps.Rod Judkins is the author of Figurative Painting in Collage,published by Crowood, £16.99.``````WHAT IS... VERRE ÃGLOMISÃ?Meaning âgilded glassâ in French, verre églomiseis a technique which involves applying gold leafto glass with a gelatine-based adhesive,resulting in a mirror-like finish onto which youcan engrave a design. Using this method, artistClaire Russell creates shimmering golddrawings with a unique decorative look.``````sketchbook``````CLAIRE RUSSELL, FRIZZLE BANTAM, 22CT GOLD LEAF ON GLASS, 8X8CM
43 Sketchbook.indd 45 09/06/2016 09:15
martin jones
(Martin Jones)