Abnormal Psychology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Contents xvii

Social Factors in Schizophrenia 549

Understanding the Social World 549

Stressful Groups 550

Immigration 551

Economic Factors 552

Cultural Factors: Recovery in Different Countries 552

Feedback Loops in Action: Schizophrenia 553

Treating Schizophrenia 556

Targeting Neurological Factors in Treating
Schizophrenia 556

Medication 556

Brain Stimulation: ECT and TMS 559

Targeting Psychological Factors in Treating
Schizophrenia 559

Cognitive-Behavior Therapy 559

Cognitive Rehabilitation 559

Treating Comorbid Substance Abuse:
Motivational Enhancement 560

Targeting Social Factors in Treating Schizophrenia 560

Family Education and Therapy 560

Group Therapy: Social Skills Training 561

Inpatient Treatment 561

Minimizing Hospitalizations: Community-Based
Interventions 561

Feedback Loops in Treatment: Schizophrenia 563


Personality Disorders ........................... 566

Diagnosing Personality Disorders 568

What Are Personality Disorders? 569

Why Are Personality Disorders on Axis II Instead
of Axis I? 570

Assessing Psychological Disorders

DSM-IV-TR Personality Clusters 571

Criticisms of the DSM-IV-TR Category of Personality
Disorders 572


Schizophrenia and Other

Psychotic Disorders ............................... 518

What Are Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic
Disorders? 520

The Symptoms of Schizophrenia 520

Positive Symptoms 520

Negative Symptoms 523

Cognitive Defi cits: The Specifi cs 524

Limitations of DSM-IV-TR Criteria 525

Subtypes of Schizophrenia 526

DSM-IV-TR Subtypes 526

Defi cit/Nondefi cit Subtypes 528

Distinguishing Between Schizophrenia and
Other Disorders 528

Psychotic Symptoms in Schizophrenia, Mood
Disorders, and Substance-Related Disorders 528

Psychotic Disorders 529

Schizophrenia Facts in Detail 532

Prevalence 532

Comorbidity 534

Course 536

Gender Differences 537

Culture 537

Prognosis 538

Understanding Schizophrenia 540

Neurological Factors in Schizophrenia 541

Brain Systems 541

Neural Communication 544

Genetics 546

Psychological Factors in Schizophrenia 547

Mental Processes and Cognitive Diffi culties:
Attention, Memory, and Executive Functions 547

Beliefs and Attributions 548

Emotional Expression 549

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