° A °
ABAB experimental design,
164–166, 165f
ABCDEF procedure, 128–129,
Abilify, 229
Abnormal psychology
context and culture in, 7–10
defi nition of, 4
DSM-IV-TR categories of, 80t
Freud on, 19
in substance use treatment,
390, 421, 426, 427f
violation effect, 451
Abuse.See also Child abuse
hypochondriasis and, 369
substance use disorders and,
Acamprosate, 423
Access to health care, 144–145
Accommodation, classroom,
Acculturation, 65–66
Acetylcholine, 40
nicotine and, 399
in specifi c phobias, 293
Acquiescence, 171–172
Action potential, 39
Action stage, 425
Activating events, 128–129
Active interaction, 47
Active phase of schizophrenia,
536, 537
Active placebo, 176
Acute stress disorder, 314
Adderall, 392
Addiction, 383
Ademetionine, 211
Adjudicative competence, 728
Adjustment disorders, 82
Adolescent-onset conduct
disorder, 650, 651
Adoption studies, 45
on alcohol abuse, 409
on schizophrenia, 546,
Adrenal glands, 42
Adrenaline, 41, 42
in social phobia, 286
Affect, 55–56
fl at, in schizophrenia, 523
in major depressive episode,
in personality disorders, 569
Age cohorts, 195
Age effects, 44
in conduct disorder, 649, 651
self-esteem and, 162
serotonin in, 236
Aging.See also Older patients
cognitive functioning and,
dementia and, 704
sexual desire and, 497–498
sexual disorders and, 500
sexual dysfunction and, 506,
Agnosia, 687–688, 701, 705
Agonists, 111
Agoraphobia, 266–267
social phobia vs., 281
treatment of, 273–276
AIDS, 413
Air Force, 242, 270–271. See
also Military service
Alcohol abuse, 389, 404–406.
See also Substance abuse
in anxiety disorders, 251
behaviorism on, 23
binge drinking, 404–405
genetic factors in, 408–410
in polysubstance abuse, 391
racial/ethnic groups and, 390
schizophrenia and, 535
self-help groups for, 427–428,
428t, 429
smoking and, 388
treatment of, 422–423
Type 1/Type 2 alcoholism
and, 409
withdrawal and, 407–408
Alcohol dependence, 73
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA),
140, 427, 428t, 429
Alcohol-induced persisting
amnestic disorder, 697
Alcoholism.See Alcohol abuse
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
(Carroll), 180, 181
Allegiance effect, 182
Alleles, 43, 45
Allen, Woody, 473
All-or-nothing thinking, 54t
Alogia, 523, 558
Alphabetic principle, 647
Alprazolam, 273, 407
Alternative behaviors, 426
Alters, 344, 347–348
Alzheimer’s disease, 702–703,
704–707, 710t
stages of, 705t
treatment of, 711, 712
Amenorrhea, 437, 441
American Legal Institute test,
723, 724t
Americans with Disabilities Act,
Amitriptyline, 209
dissociative, 314, 334–337
in dissociative identity
disorder, 345–346
generalized, 334
from head trauma, 709–710
from HIV, 709
from Huntington’s disease, 709
localized, 334
selective, 334
Amnestic barrier, 336
Amnestic disorder, 682,
dementia vs., 704
Amobarbital, 406–407
Amok, 338
Amphetamine psychosis,
Amphetamines, 392–393, 666
bipolar disorders and,
in borderline personality
disorder, 602–603
in depressive disorders, 201
in eating disorders, 448
fear and, 58
in generalized anxiety
disorder, 257–258
in hypochondriasis, 368
in panic disorder, 268
in posttraumatic stress
disorder, 317
in social phobia, 282
social phobia and, 91, 91f
Amyloid plaques, 706–707
Amytal, 406–407
Anafranil, 308
Analgesics, narcotic, 412–413,
treatment of abuse of,
423–424, 424t
Analogue studies, 178–179
Androcur, 492
Angelman syndrome, 629t
Anhedonia, 192–193
Animal magnetism, 14–15
Animal phobias, 290
Anna O., 331, 332, 333, 350,
352, 361f, 378
Anorexia nervosa, 435, 436–442.
See also Eating disorders
anxiety disorders with, 251
behavior therapy for, 125
binge-eating/purging type,
439, 441
bulimia and, 445–446
cultural differences in,
defi nition of, 435, 436
diagnostic criteria for, 437t
medical effects of, 439–440
problems with DSM-IV-TR
defi nition of, 441
psychological and social
effects of, 440–441
restricting type, 439
Antabuse, 422
Antagonists, 112
Antecedents, 122–123, 426
Anticipatory anxiety, 272–273
Anticonvulsants, 228
for bipolar disorders,
for children, 116
cortisol lowered by, 201–202
for eating disorders, 464
for panic disorder, 273
placebo effect with, 187
for suicidal ideation, 241
Antiepileptic medications, 228,
Antipsychotic medications, 113
atypical, 113, 557–558
for borderline personality
disorder, 606
for dementia, 711
for schizophrenia, 556–559
Antisocial personality disorder,
106, 592–599
borderline personality
disorder vs., 602
conduct disorder in, 593–594
disruptive behavior disorders
and, 663–664
histrionic personality disorder
vs., 609
neurological factors in,
psychological factors in, 597
psychopathy vs., 594–595
social factors in, 597
anticipatory, 272–273
baseline level of U.S., 271
cortisol and, 42
defense mechanisms and, 19
defi nition of, 248–249
in dementia, 711–712
dissociative amnesia and, 337
in posttraumatic stress
disorder, 311
posttraumatic stress disorder
and, 316
sexual dysfunction and, 507
treatment of, 109–110
Anxiety disorders, 247–329
aging and, 686
behavior therapy for,
123–124, 123t
biofeedback for, 115
body dysmorphic disorder
and, 371–372
cognitive psychology on, 24
cognitive restructuring for,
common features of,
comorbidity of, 251, 251f
defi nition of, 249
delirium vs., 691
depersonalization disorder
compared with, 340
fi ght-or-fl ight response in,
generalized, 252–267
heritability of, 44
hypochondriasis compared
with, 366–367
medications for, 113–114
disorder, 299–311
panic disorder, 262–277
personality disorders and,
posttraumatic stress disorder
and, 311–326, 320