
(lily) #1

Chartier, Roger 25–6
Chatwin, Bruce 65
nineteenth century 49–53
see also London; Paris
Clark, T.J. 50
Clarke, Ossie 106
class distinctions 18–19
Cocks, Jay 15
Cojana 108
Colacello, Bob 170–1
Cole, B. 2
Colette 114
Commes des Garçons 7, 17, 82, 176
Conran, Terence 114
glamour 52–3
Hollywood 47–8
Cook, Pam 30
Corbin, Anton 158
cosmetics, glamour of 53
cost analysis 101
Coulson, Clare 82
counter-snobbery 174
Coupland, Douglas 169
Courrèges, André 10, 11
courtesans, Paris 50
business of 121–3
commercial competition 131, 137–9
crisis of 1930s 127–8
franchising 128–30
function of 123–7
globalisation 141–2
images of 163–5
Italian 184–92
marketing 138–9
origins of 156
perfumes 133–4
ready-to-wear business 130
Coward, Rosalind 170
Cowley, Jason 39
Craik, Jennifer 77, 88, 89, 96
definitions 91–3
and fashion 93–7
Crisp, Quentin 105
cultural studies, fashion history 25–35

culture, definition of 27
‘Cutting Edge’ exhibition, Victoria & Albert
Museum (1997) 55

dandyism 171
data processing, Maxmara 98–9
Davis, Fred 74, 83–4, 89, 94
daywear, Italy 191–2
De Bord, Matthew 111
de la Haye, Amy 2–3, 55–66
De Mille, Cecil B. 46
de Roselle, Bruno 11
Debenhams magazine 39
Demeulemeester, Anne 17, 18
Deneuve, Catherine 13
department stores
environments of 113–14
glamour of 52
Paris 149–59
Derrida, Jacques 79
design history 24–5
designer labels, attainability 137
academic studies about 83–5
academic studies by 70–3
communication with public 85–9
creativity 99
training of 103–6
Dessès, Jean 191
dialectical images 153–4
Dichter, Ernest 52–3
Dietrich, Marlene 44, 45
Dior, Christian
fantasy of 137, 139
franchising 129
Galliano as designer 139, 144–9
New Look 7–8, 185
disco dressing 13–14
Doherty, Maureen 114
Dolce e Gabbana 168
dress reform movement 59–60
dress studies 31
Drury, Ian 105
Dryansky, G.Y. 130
Duncan, Isadora 61

e-commerce 112–13
Eckert, Charles 47
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