islam, politics and change

(Ann) #1

List of Illustrations

pdi-p poster in the streets of Jakarta showing Megawati Soekarnoputri

in 2000 23

pdi-p poster in the streets of Jakarta showing Megawati Soekarnoputri

in 2002 25

Cover of vcd used for campaigning by the pks in the run up to the

2004 general elections 54

The present al Muttaqun mosque, Prambanan, Klaten, Central Java

(by courtesy of pcm Prambanan) 92

Amien Rais speaking at cornerstone-laying ceremony for the recon-

struction of the tk aba Ngangkruk building (by courtesy of pcm

Prambanan) 97

The head office of the Nahdlatul Ulama in Jakarta 117

Circuit court hearing conducted by the Islamic court of Tangerang (by

courtesy of Islamic court of Tangerang) 164

Islamic Court of Justice, Bulukumba 173

Waiting in front of the courtroom, Bulukumba 184

Sanctuary of Cepuri, 28km south from Yogyakarta 198

Sacred rocks inside sanctuary of Cepuri 201

Amran Waly (3rd from right) with Shaykh Muhammad Fadil Al-

Jaelani (4th from right) and the Wali Nanggroe of Aceh (2nd from

right) during “Muzakarah Tauhid Tasawuf ” 2014 (by courtesy of

Harian Aceh) 245

Hills around Jantho where the confrontation with alleged terrorists

took place 271

All photographs are by the authors, unless stated otherwise.

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