islam, politics and change

(Ann) #1

120 islam, politics and change

that differences in religious understanding can never be used to justify
violence, and that the government is constitutionally responsible for legal
enforcement and the protection of ‘all citizens regardless of their religion
or beliefs’.⁴⁹ However, a colleague of Masdar at the Dewan Syuriah,
kh. Hasyim Muzadi, one of the more purist and political-minded people
at the top of the nu, was quoted as saying in March 2011 that Ahmadiyah
activity and proselytisation should be outlawed, as was stipulated in
the skb. Hasyim Muzadi believes the issue should not be framed in
terms of freedom of religion: ‘Ahmadiyah teachings really have to be
brought to a halt, because they make the Islamic ummah vulnerable,

except when Ahmadiyah becomes a religion of its own and not [claims

to be part of] Islam. This has no relation to the freedom of religion, but

only with desecration of religion’, said the former pbnu general chairman

(2000–2005 and 2005–2010).⁵⁰

The current position of the nu, under the general leadership of
Said Aqil, is thus more accommodating toward Ahmadiyah than the
organisation’s stance under the lengthy leadership of Hasyim Muzadi.
During those eventful years, the Ahmadiyah issue was portrayed as
a problem of desecration of religion rather than freedom of religion.
‘Pancasila provides freedom of religion and belief to every citizen. But
that does in no way mean it provides freedom to tarnish a religion
that is considered legitimate in Indonesia’, Hasyim Muzadi said after
the issue of the skb in June 2008.⁵¹ The pbnu leader at the time also
called the skb an appropriate step to prevent Ahmadis from spreading
their beliefs.⁵² More interesting, however, is that there was a meeting
of nu leaders in Bogor in September 2005, presided over by Maʾruf
Amin, Said Aqil Siradj, Masdar F. Masʾudi and Rozy Munir, to discuss
the nu’s formal stance in the Ahmadiyah debate. The results of the
meeting – calling Ahmadiyah ‘deviant and outside Islam [sesat dan
keluar dari Islam]’ – were placed on the official nu website in May

‘Seruan anti kekerasan Syuriyah pbnu’, 16 February 2011,,public-m
+Syuriyah+PBNU-.phpx (accessed 19 May 2012).
 Edy M. Yaʾkub, ‘nu, Ahmadiyah, dan fpi’.
 ‘pbnu: Pancasila jamin kebebasan beragama, tidak kebebasan menodai agama’,
nu website, 12 June 2008,
_Agama.html (accessed 20 November 2011).
‘pbnu minta Ahmadiyah tak lagi kembangkan ajarannya’, nu website, 11 June
_Ahmadiyah_Tak_Lagi_Kembangkan_Ajarannya.html (accessed 20 November

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