Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1

CHAPTER 3 Immune System^171


  • Before the test:

    • The patient must sign an informed consent due to the invasive nature of
      the test.

    • Make sure that the patient is not allergic to seafood, iodine, or contrast dye.

    • Check renal function (BUN, creatinine) as the kidneys are responsible
      for processing the dye.

  • During the test:

    • Check for allergic reaction to the dye such as skin rash, itching, shortness
      of breath, and swelling.

  • After the test:

    • Administer fluids to aid in elimination of the dye.

    • Monitor peripheral pulses to ensure adequate circulation in the feet.

    • Examine injection site for complications such as infection, bleeding, and

    • Urine, stool, and skin might have a blue color from the dye.


  1. A cell whose functions include ingesting foreign or invading cells is a (an):
    (a) T-cell.
    (b) B-cell.
    (c) Macrophage.
    (d) Erythrocyte.

  2. A confirmatory lab test for HIV includes:
    (a) Western Blot.
    (b) Low WBC.
    (c) Comprehensive metabolic panel.
    (d) Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).

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