CHAPTER 5 Nervous System^243
- Impaired physical mobility
- Impaired verbal communication
- Ineffective air exchange
- Self-care deficit
- Encourage frequent rest periods.
- Monitor vital signs.
- Monitor nutritional intake.
- Monitor weight.
- Monitor neurologic status for changes in pupil reaction, extraocular move-
ments, eyelid movement, facial symmetry, hand grip strength, coordination,
fine motor skills, and gait. - Monitor respiratory status for changes in rate, effort, skin color, use of acces-
sory muscles, or change in mental status. - Monitor gag reflex.
- Arrange for appropriate communication with staff if patient is unable to use
call bell system or unable to be heard over intercom from room. - Explain to the patient:
- Home care needs.
- Medication use; need to maintain time schedule for medications.
- Time meals one hour after medications to decrease chance of aspiration.
- Teach use of oral-pharyngeal suctioning catheter to clear secretions.
- Avoid heat extremes (hot tubs, saunas).
- Alcohol may exacerbate symptoms.
Parkinson’s Disease
There is a gradual degeneration of the midbrain area known as the substantia nigra.
The neurons use the neurotransmitter dopamine to send their signals from cell to