Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1

CHAPTER 5 Nervous System^259

  1. A 49-year-old patient is diagnosed with Huntington’s disease. He thought
    he saw symptoms of the disease in his 15-year-old son. What is the best
    (a) Your son probably has the early symptoms of the disease.
    (b) Huntington’s disease is genetically transmitted.
    (c) Symptoms usually appear between the ages of 30 and 50 years; how-
    ever, you may want to ask your physician about genetic testing that
    can detect if your son has the gene that is associated with Huntington’s
    (d) Symptoms usually appear before the age of 30 years; however, you
    may want to ask your physician about genetic testing that can
    detect if your son has the gene that is associated with Huntington’s

  2. A patient arrives in the ER with blurred and double vision, muscle weak-
    ness, and intolerance of temperature changes. The physician suspects mul-
    tiple sclerosis. What test would you expect the physician to order to
    confirm her suspicions?
    (a) CBC with a very low WBC count.
    (b) CT scan showing plaque formation.
    (c) Endocrine function study with a low growth hormone and high T3
    and T4.
    (d) Fasting glucose test with a result over 300 mg/dl.

  3. A patient who was in an automobile accident 30 minutes ago reports that
    she is unable to move her legs. What is the best response?
    (a) Swelling due to the initial trauma may make the injury seem move
    severe than it actually is. A more accurate assessment will be made
    once the swelling goes down.
    (b) Swelling due to the initial trauma prevents you from moving your legs.
    (c) There are good rehabilitation centers that will help restore sensation to
    your legs.
    (d) You should have been wearing your seatbelt.

  4. A husband visiting his wife in the hospital suddenly becomes confused and
    has difficulty with speech and starts slurring his words. The physician car-
    ing for his wife recognizes this as a cerebrovascular accident. What would
    you expect the physician to do?

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